"Imagination is everything.  It is the preview of life's coming attractions."

                                                                            - Albert Einstein

Foundational Resources, Inc.

On a cold night in December 2007, I awoke with an idea that I believed could change the world.  This idea was "downloaded" to me while I was in a deep sleep.  At around 3 AM, something motivated me to open my eyes and run to my computer.  I opened a blank Word document, and I began to type at a vigorous pace.  You see, it was extremely important that I got all of these thoughts and ideas down on paper before this amazing concept left me forever.  I typed and typed, not stopping until I had filled eight pages with information that, to this day, I believe was divine in origin.  At 3:13 AM on December 8th, 2007, The Summoning Stone was born.

Now, you may wonder why I waited until 2014 to introduce The Summoning Stone to the world.  Great question.  Well, I was in the midst of what many of you can relate to as a change of direction in my life.  I was underemployed, on my own, and, for lack of a better way to say it, directionless.  I had just gone through an intensive eight-month period of digesting anything I could regarding the Law of Attraction, and I was overwhelmed with all of the new information.  Not to mention, I was not in the best place personally or professionally.  Looking back on that time, I now realize that I was placed in that situation by my own thoughts and beliefs, but, boy, am I grateful.  As I was going through this period in my life, I tried to remain as positive and focused as I could.  I was beginning to understand that I was in direct control of my destiny, but it was more intellectually acknowledged than spiritually.  Because I was still approaching this only with my mind, I did not fully manifest the path I wanted to be on.  So, I had another detour on the road of life, and I took it without giving it another thought.  Because of this new direction, I placed The Summoning Stone in a box and packed it away for another day.

Fast forward to the summer of 2013.  Out of the blue, I received an email invite from my old supplier to join a business network.  He had helped me tremendously in developing the initial prototype of the product back in 2008.  He put a lot of work into the project, sharing my passion for the concept, all at his own expense.  I owe that man a great deal of gratitude for his efforts and selflessness during the beginning stages of our company.  Sadly, he passed away last year.  The interesting thing is that I am not completely sure if I received his email invitation before or after he passed.  Regardless, I know he was reaching out to me as if to say, "John, get off your butt and back in the game.  The Summoning Stone is your way of giving back to the world, and you must continue with the project."  You know, he is right, and I am grateful that he reached out to me.  My friend, you are missed.

So, after dusting off the box and showing the prototypes to my friends and family, I am reinvigorated and determined to get this project off the drawing board and onto the world-wide web.  This is where it will help change the world and fulfill the promise I made to the Universe back on that faithful day in 2007.  

Dear Universe, I apologize that It took me so long to bring your concept to the world.  I can only say that all things happen in the right time and in the right way.  I thank you for the opportunity you have given me to share The Summoning Stone with the world; I know it will help millions of people fulfill their dreams and desires.  I am truly grateful.  JB.

Thank you for taking the time to read our story and learn more about The Summoning Stone.  I am so excited that you have decided to take control of your destiny, and I am grateful you chose Foundational Resources, Inc. to assist you on this journey.  I am confident that you will succeed in manifesting your dreams and desires in your life, and I declare that your life will continue to improve with every Summoning Stone you use or give away.  The Power is in Your Hand to change your life, the life of a friend or loved one, and to positively impact the world.


Summon Your Desires Into Your Life