Summon Your Desires Into Your Life




"You create your life experience by what you think and feel about persistently."

                                                                                  - Unknown

The Garden Stone

A great way to remind yourself that the Earth has its own frequency, just as your "Intention" has its own frequency.  Focus, believe, and receive.  CLICK the Stone.

The Key Chain

A beautiful adornment to your keys and a practical way to stay focused.  The front side shows the "Entangled S" Summoning Stone Logo, the reverse side, your desired "Intention." CLICK the Stone.

The Incense Burner

Use this Stone while burning your favorite stick of incense.  This will add aroma, a very powerful focal tool, to your daily regimen.                   CLICK the Stone.

The Tea Light Holder

A perfect tool to illuminate the room and illuminate your "Intention," attracting your desire into your life.  CLICK the Stone.

The Pocket Stone

The perfect size to put in your pocket or purse.  Throughout your day, this Stone will be a constant reminder of your "Intention."  CLICK the Stone.

The Stones

A great deal of time and energy went into designing our Stones.  Each style of Stone was chosen for its practicality, and each individual Stone was chosen for its high vibratory quality.  Choose the Stone type and Stone color that resonates with you, or chose as many as you like; mix and match if you so desire.  Once you have chosen the desired Stone, choose your "Intention."  We recommend staying with one "Intention" for a twenty-one day period to maintain a clear and precise message to the Universe.  We also recommend having as many Stones with this one "Intention" placed in as many places as possible.  It is important to be reminded of your "Intention" as many times as possible throughout the day.  Simply  CLICK the Photo of the Stone that resonates with you to see all of the available options.


Color Choices

There are four (4) colors, but not all colors are available in all Stones

The Desk-Top Stone

Remind yourself every time you sit at your desk that your "Intention" is being Summoned into your life now.  CLICK the Stone.

The Business Card Holder

Every time you, a colleague, or customer reach for your business card, you will be powerfully reminded of your "Intention" and be instantly connected to the specific frequency of your desire.  CLICK the Stone.